Cockpit 253

Cockpit is the modern Linux admin interface. We release regularly.

Here are the release notes from Cockpit 253 and cockpit-machines 252 and cockpit-podman 35:

SELinux: Dismiss multiple alerts

SELinux alerts can now be selected and dismissed in bulk, which is simpler than having to expand and dismiss them individualy. Having a clean alert state is especially helpful when building policies, as newer alerts become more obvious.

screenshot of dismiss multiple alerts

Machines: Add support for renaming VMs

The Machines page can rename virtual machines.

screenshot of add support for renaming vms screenshot of add support for renaming vms

Podman: New design

screenshot of dismiss multiple alerts

Try it out

Cockpit 253, cockpit-machines 252 and podman 35 are available now:

About Garrett LeSage