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Cockpit 155
category: release
- NFS client support
- Add “Maintenance” switch for oVirt hosts
- Fix Terminal rendering issues in Chrome
- Improve Ctrl+W behaviour in the Terminal
- Support the upcoming OpenShift 3.7 release
Cockpit 153
category: release
- Add oVirt package
- Packaging cleanup
Cockpit 152
category: release
- Add Applications page
- Add automatic update configuration for dnf to Software Updates
- Fix cockpit-bridge crash if /etc/os-release does not exist
Cockpit 151
category: release
- Support loading SSH keys from arbitrary paths
- Support X-Forwarded-Proto HTTP header for Kubernetes
- Fix Kubernetes connection hangs
Cockpit 150
category: release
- Add information about unmet conditions for systemd services
- Automatically enable and start newly created timers on the Services page
- Support Kubernetes authentication providers in kube config files
- Support sending non-maskable interrupt to VMs
- Support Dashboard installation into OSTree overlay
- Clear cockpit cookie on logout
Cockpit 148
category: release
- Support Cockpit in Internet Explorer
- Update Cluster/Registry design for image streams
- Delete OpenShift session tokens on logout
- Detect unregistered RHEL systems on Software Updates page
Cockpit 147
category: release
- Add configuration of expiry to Accounts page
- Consistently ignore loopback traffic on all network load graphs
- Fix the Kdump page in Internet Exporer
Cockpit Workshop before "All Systems Go!"
Cockpit 146
category: release
- Software Updates page shows more information
- Improve available Software Updates layout for small/mobile screens
- Support OAuth Kubernetes logins with Google Compute Engine
- Fix reporting ABRT crashes that are already known to the server
- Scroll the virtual machine VNC console into view automatically
Cockpit 145
category: release
- Terminal size
- Machines page reactiveness
- Delete VM functionality
- Retire external Machines provider API
- ABRT integration
- Always recommend restarting after applying Software Updates
- Cancelling Software Updates
Cockpit Virtual Hackfest Wrapup
category: release
Cockpit Virtual Hackfest
category: release